who needs starbucks?

today owen had his first steamer--or "warm milk" as owen calls it. we had just gotten back to the de gaaper from a chilly afternoon out and about (see post below) and jeanaka (i know i'm doing injustice to this beautiful woman's beautiful name) made him a special steamed milk in his special red ikea cup in his "king chair"--what everyone calls owen's highchair that gets left downstairs just for him. today was a good picture day, with the clouds and rain of yesterday giving way to the sun and just a few drops of "drip drip" here and there. enjoy these pics. and i'm sure nobody will be surprised that owen says "mama's coffee" each time he sees a coffee mug. now he's thrilled with his own "owen's coffee." what can i say, start 'em young. . .


Pajama Dren said...

Ok, I really LOVE these pics. He's just such a charmer!

Amy said...

Just checking in after not reading for a while...I am so glad you arrived safely and well and are settling in. It is great to see you all together, and to read about your fun adventures! Your little guy is just TOO adorable :).