
just enjoying a little quiet time by the fire, owen is sleeping in his big-boy bed and i have anywhere from an hour to three before he gets up, opens his door and toddles down the hallway to snuggle up with me in my bed. it's our routine. lately it means that i have enough time to put him down to bed, do a sweep of downstairs of colorcrayons, peeeople, and chex, and then sneak some chocolate and run back upstairs. on saturday night i thought it was safe to take a nice bath and finally wash my hair but just as i was halfway sudsed up and having a calgon moment a footed-pajamed owen came sobbing in the bathroom covering up his eyes and just devestated. so of course i got out, soaking wet and quite cold, put him in bed and snuggled up with a hand towel (why i never think to get a bathtowel ready when i take a bath is a mystery even to myself). and i know i know i should put him back in his own bed and not reward the nightly strolls by surrendering all three feather pillows and sleeping sideways (careful not to disturb the cat and ever encroaching dog).

but here's the thing, it's our routine. so when nana spoiled us by not taking the train home friday and staying overnight she of course completely wore out hte little guy and then expertly rocked him to sleep and tucked him in ever-so-perfectly so that at 1 am i woke up in my queensized bed feeling like quite the queen all stretched out with yes, three pillows. and not only was there no owen teasing my hair in knots and kicking me in the nose but there was no dog creeping up michael's side of hte bed and no cat sitting on my toes. the dog, of course, is smart enough to know who will walk him earlier and the cat, well, who knows with the cat. anyhow, it was terribly lonely and when at 1:30 owen sat up in bed and quietly sang "mamamamammmmaaa" you bet i ran in there and picked him up and whisked him into bed with me.