van gogh's world

in case you're having owen withdrawals i thought i'd share a couple videos from this afternoon. you can get a sense of our "living room" set up which is quite nice and see owen's ikea toy spread. first, here are are a couple of "backstories" to these videos.

1. dooo doo dodo "elmo's world." ok, so if you've been remotely close to a toddler in the last say ten years you'll know who elmo is and most likely have caught a glimpse of the furry red monster's own show. so a few weeks ago on sesame street cookie monster opened the show with his spoof called, of course "cookie world." quite clever and funny and owen can't get enough of singing either song. which has led him to figure out that there can be all kinds of "worlds" and has started singing about daddy, mommy and owen's world. and of course mickey mouse and any thing he comes across that delights him.

2. a) while we were in amsterdam we saw lots and lots of van gogh. which was amazing. and my favorite. so for christmas i got a big gorgeous van gogh coffee table book which owen calls "mommy's yellow book” and is always asking to look at.
b) so i wasn't entirely suprised when we were at the national gallery in oslo and discovered one of van gogh's last self-portraits and i asked owen "who is that?" he looked at me and simply said "van gogh." that's my guy ;)

oh and 3. of course the choo choo train obsession leads right to the tunnel obsession. everything must be made into a tunnel.

enough already. here are the videos. apologies for no closed captioning. will interpret below.

"yeah la la yeah lala that's owen's world. that's owen's world! [me: doo doo doo] owen's world [owen signs "world"]

"la la la vangoghsworld vangoghvangogh . . . puh puh painter. . . yeah van gogh. . .[owen rolls up postcard of self portrait—story #4: at the gallery gift shop owen “holds” this postcard while i’m browsing and by the time we get to the checkout he has managed to chew off the corners and crumple it into a big wad so that when I place the loved postcard on the counter trying to smooth it out the cute norwegian girl just smiles at me and gives it to him for free] in the tunnel [me: a van gogh tunnel?--he had explained this to me earlier]”


Pajama Dren said...

I LOVE it, love every second of it. And what a clever little guy. I love the mix of the "cannon" (Van Gogh) and pop culture (Elmo). And I think that maybe, just maybe O will grow up to do wonderful, smart analyses of the relationships between these kinds of things, just like his mama does! I love you all so, so much!

Peggy Hui said...

After watching the videos, I miss you all that much more. I'm glad that Owen seems to be adjusting well. Love the Ikea furniture!

Melanie can now climb up the stairs all by herself. She crawls with a lot more confidence. Her books are still her favorite toys. She's turning one on April 7th, and we're having a birthday brunch on April 14th. We wish you were here. Speaking of birthday, Cara, I think yours is coming up in a couple of days, 4/26. Am I correct? Happy Birthday!

In case you're wondering, your house is still safe. Kiss Owen for us. Talk to you next time.