yellow slicker out on the town

it's been raining all week. and this california girl has been getting a little cabin fever. everyday this week i've packed us up to go to the aalesund museum and as soon as we're ready to set out the rain it rains and rains. but today we were determined. we stepped out, and of course, it was pouring. so we stopped. had lunch. and as soon as there was a break we set out with the brown and pink polkadotted umbrella and the yellow rain slicker and we walked. over the bridge, across the street, through the kremmergarden and up up up the steps. and we made it! and owen was ever the trooper.
once inside the museum--which was our "exposition"-- owen of course wanted nothing to do with the museum and everything to do with going back down the steps. we did get to see lots of boats and we counted sails and people (some of the boats had little cast iron figures and wooden captains) and some had neither. looking for boats with people kept us busy for about 15 minutes before we absolutely had to go back outside.

but owen's sense of adventure led us up up up the rocks and to the canons where he peered down the fence and got a view of our "yellow house" and a ferry boat docking on the pier. in typical aalesund fashion the clouds flew by and gave us alternately sunny skies and sheets of rain in minutes. in the photos below you can see the clouds shift in just seconds:but we made it home, and our northwest kin should be proud--we even stomped in puddles and stopped on the bridge to sing "drip drop drip drop" while the rain rained rained rained.


Unknown said...

What a cute kid! Rain isn't so bad ;)