thoughts on going home after five cups of green tea while owen assembles "the longest words" using magnet letters with no magnet board

so we booked our tickets home! i'm excited but also realized we've fallen into a comfortable routine here, made our little boatroom home and this town our little neighborhood. when we're out on our afternoon walks we are no longer among strangers--we get a nod from tom the artist with his dog at the crosswalk, we chat with ingrid from reception in the bytunnelen, and we stay after the hand-written "close" sign is flipped for extra strawberry cake and coffee at rosemari's. and our daily route too has become a familiar part of the aalesund landscape. i guess that's the lesson about travel, right? wherever you go you make it your world, you adapt, you adjust, you learn, you leave your imprint, you leave. we're not packed up yet, and indeed we have several more weeks here which is certainly longer than your casual visit. but i am at the point of making lists of places i want to see, shops and msueums i want to be sure and visit, boat rides to take. of course the rain always makes me a litle melancholy, a little philosophical and a bit on the side of whimsical. and the cargo ships off in the distance do indeed look like pirate ships coming out of the misty fjords.