maison guadin served at maison fidler

for a brief moment michael and i had plans to cash in miles and spend a few days this week in paris over spring break, mostly so i could have macaroons from pâtisserie Ladurée on my birthday. this wonderfully decadent but ultimately impossible idea fell through but, rather than skip the parisian experience althogether michael arranged for his french colleague eric to bring some macaroons from his local confectioner in chateudun. "laudree, that's what we give the tourists" he scoffed and brought michael instead three ribboned boxes of delectable gems. though they were a little rough for the travel: france-sweden-states they were a rare and suprising treat--hints of nutmeg in the vanilla, coffee cream, lemon tart, and creme-de-menthe hiding in a few of the chocolates. mmmmmm!

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Anonymous said...

These look sooooo good, and so colorful that you have to eat them. How sweet of Michael, of course!!! love, nana