
Midsummer's Day which took place last Friday is a very big holiday here in Sweden. There were several choices for us to go and celebrate the traditional Swedish way with a couple hundred people or so. We chose to go to Alsters herrgård, the birthplace of the Swedish poet Gustaf Fröding.

The weather didn't start out too good, but by the time the actual festivities started, it had cleared up a bit. It started out with the actual raising of the maypole, then there was a wedding ceremony (not traditional). Then some traditional dancing, and then finally everyone was invited to hold hands and dance around the maypole. Owen especially liked the song Små grodorna ("The little frogs").

Waiting in the rain/sun:

Raising the maypole:

Traditional dancing:

Owen and other kids who couldn't wait for the dancing to start:


El Salvato said...

Reminds me of the Parkmont maypole dance we used to do every year...

mom/grandma said...

Looks like fun!

Missy Fidler said...

So cute! I love the picture with Owen and the umbrella! Miss and love you guys!!

donna said...

once, at my old elementary school, we raised a maypole and sang Små grodorna! i miss that...