"i did it! i did it!"

since owen has completely forsaken naptime usually around 3 or so one or both of us hits that cranky wall--especially if we've been inside all day. today i insisted on some quiet time upstairs & left o. to entertain himself "quietly" in his room (which i'm now convinced needs to be routine). as part of our homegoods loot i found this double-sided chunky 9 piece richard scarry puzzle (for $3.99! i'm definitely going back to scavenge some more designs) that we put it together a couple of times last night. to my surprise, or not, owen managed to put all the pieces together without any help from mommy. he was so thrilled that he kept at it switching back and forth between the motorcycle and the fire engine side--and after quiet time was over wanted to bring it downstairs for more. here's mommy catching owen putting the last piece on the puzzle:


Michael said...

smart guy -- looks like those pieces fit nicely, so he won't get too frustrated.