new season of sesame street

so one of the good things that happens when you're stuck inside all day is that you get to watch more sesame street. it's our favorite, and the new season so far has been awesome: an episode all about tricycles (we're still working on how to pedal) and my favorite so far, an episode all about triangles featuring james bluntsinging "my triangle" with telly
one more reason to love sesame street and perhaps develop a little crush on james. and last week much to my joy we got to dance to r.em. singing furry happy monsters and just when you thought all the singing couldn't get better oscar did a grouchy version of ymca about mud. so i think that's it--we just all need to run outside and turn on the fire hydrants and cool off or just watch more sesame street.


Pajama Dren said...

Ok, so I love REM on Sesame Street. I've seen that one before, and it's loads of fun. One of my fav Sesame Street moments, however, is when Grover sings the song about "Saw a Monster in the mirror when I woke up today. . Wubba, Wubba, Wubba, Wubba, Woo, Woo Woo. . . Wubba, Wubba, Wubba, is a monster song." Does anyone else know that one? There are all these celebrities who participate, like Robin Williams and Duane Wayne from _A Different World_. It's great!

Anonymous said...

I guess I'll try to tivo some Sesame Street! I have a few Signing Times taped. Can't wait to see you both...Seattle weather is mid seventies with some sun! Love, Grandma