owen top 5

Just arrived here in Norway, and travelled for 28 hours to get here -- gave me some time to think back about the week at home, and come up with my Owen top 5:

1 walks to tree park These was fun just walking and trying to get Owen to follow -- he seemed to go at his own very slow pace and find sticks in letter shapes.
2 puzzle time Crazy for the puzzles -- it doesn't matter how "tricky" they are.
3 garbage truck song Maybe he knows that i'm faking my way through this by changing the words to the wheels on the bus song, but he still smiles.
4 daddy.. where are you! Always catching me sneaking off to check my email, or work on taxes and bills.
5 owen writing his name On the special get well card to grandpa -- owen wrote his name -- scarily good for his age.


gocarcarcar said...

we just went to the lakeshore learning store and picked up a new puzzle--a giant floor "i spy" number puzzle and some more magnet letters and numbers. he's in number and letter bliss and has words spelled all over the downstairs-- of course O-W-E-N and M-I-L-K and even P-E-R-U (that one just happened and he loves the sound of it!).
well, we miss you like crazy and owen indeed keeps saying "daddddy, where arerre you??". and i wasn't feeling so very happy yesterday but i did realize that if i didn't feel melancholy about you leaving then that wouldn't be very good either. so, miss you but am enjoying those owen five and looking forward to more daddy and owen and mommy time soon...

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, it is fun to watch what Owen has learned and how amazing he put puzzles together without looking at the package. He is very observant and admire his own parents. He is computer whiz just like his parents.

HEIDI said...

Can I send Austin your way, so he can be a genius too? Owen sounds like such a fun and imaginative little boy. I love reading your blog... so fun. At least if we can't be close location wise, then we can still be part of a blog family!

gocarcarcar said...

aaaw thanks heidi! austin and all the other little guys (and gals!) are always welcome here. we promise plenty of playdo time and a lot of digging in the sand! i've enjoyed getting to know everyone through the family blogging too ;)