the friday five

this week's friday five is tough, because owen has become master of why and connecting cause and effect. he asks disarmingly perceptive questions and is able to make connections in ways that constantly catch me off guard. here are five of the top moments--which also includes a michael moment.

1. i spent most of saturday lying about on the couch due to a neck spasm-- so on wednesday when i had a dr. appt he said rather astutely: "oh, you're going to see the doctor because your neck still hurts?".

2. "mommy needs to go to school to pick up some papers." pause. "oh? you dropped them?"

3.after apparently browsing the "hits of the 80s and 90s" on wikki for the pub quiz nite m. says to me: "i now know the exact year i stopped listening to music. it was 1993." i'll let him say more on that if he wants to--but i thought it was so wonderfully quotable.

4. "mommy, i love you." pause. "because. because. ummm. because you're my guy!"

5. if you've seen the video clip below you can see that o's signing skills has increased exponentially. he doesn't stop signing and pauses mid-sentence to work out how that might be done with sign language. last night after a long day on campus and playing with papa he was ready to go home (because sierradog needs him) and he said, "mommy, lets G-O home." only he very carefully signed G with his left hand and O with his right and held it up for me to read. (that's right up there with the "mommy, look! that spells DOG" reading great grandma's throw that said "God Bless")


Michael said...

I was looking at the top 5-10 or so for every year from 80s and 90s for this weekly trivia quiz at this bar we go to... we always place in the top 3, and probably have 5 or 6 wins so far.. we got a tip on the music round, so i was doing some research and I could probably name all songs until 1993 -- 4 non-blondes, Snow, Haddaway?? I guess that's when I stopped listening to the radio. and how come Meatloaf had a hit that year???

Anonymous said...

Cara, I love #4!!!

gocarcarcar said...

me too ;)