the new grading

so i've been accumulating a list of things that change when you teach with a toddler... and as i finish the 2nd of 3 batches of essays to grade (in record late time) i quickly learn that grading is more about creative management. there is no more reading chair with the ambient music and a casual latte (with some microplaned dark chocolate on top) to prepare you for seventy three essays on why the new toyota corolla ad is appealing to "modern society" through "gender roles that nowadays have changed." or maybe that is just my fantasy, along with the typed comments for each student. but now i wonder: how many essays can i grade in thirty two minutes while sesame street is on, can i finish one while sitting on the stepstool on the bathroom while owen does "big poops," and will owen play with the empty office trash can (contents now strewn up and down the hallway)long enough for me to write "the most compelling part of your essay" blahblahblah "suffers from a lack of a clearly articulated thesis statement." ok, only twentytwo minutes left in sesame street and i still have two batches to go before tomorrow!


Malissa said...

lol Aren't kids great!! That would be really hard to do...good for you!!

Unknown said...

Go Cara Go!

gocarcarcar said...

thanks for all the cheerleading. finally finished and just recorded the last of essay grades! now i just need to log all those various and sundry quiz and class assignments i've been gathering in a satchel. michael's here so he's going to help me update my excel to take into account all my grade categories. we all get to commute together tomorrow! so nice to have a family that works together ;)

Anonymous said...

Hurrah for you and keep sailing!!! Definitely it is nice to have Michael home..Home Sweet Home...