owen's daily

one of my goals for this blog is to do an "owen daily" featuring pics (because really who can get enough pictures of owen?) and some kind of "best of" from the day's adventure (because every day is an adventure) and today seemed like a good day to begin. today is michael's last day home for a while (ok, i know exactly how long to the second--see the nifty countdown i added to the bottom of the blog) so we decided to go to our favorite cafe in laguna beach for breakfast. owen is a big time people (and dog) watcher and quite a conniseur of gourmet muffins and melons so he was in toddlerheaven.

but cafe lounging was nothing compared to running into the ocean. ever since canon beach owen discovered that the beach has water you can run right into and that it keeps coming back again and again or in owen speak "moremoremore". the waves up the oregon coast, however, are no match for the crashers out here in the oc. undaunted, owen ran right into the water anyhow. so here are the daily pics:

now i know that you can't see owen very well but i think they make great dailies anyhow: first of all, see how owen drags michael right into the water. and second of all, how michael manages to hold a diedrichs coffee in one hand and a squirmy owen in the other.

and the "best of" happened right before this, while we were at the diedrichs across the street. ladies, look out, owen had his first kiss. her name was tia or tiara or tea. and she was an older woman, with blond highlights and a pink velvet skirt. owen was showing off his impressive stair walking techniques and she showed him her latest ballet moves (as soon as she turns three she can sign up for ballet, her mom explained, so she was rehearsing). and as we left not only did owen do an impressive wave but when mama said give "a kiss byby" tia leaned in and owen planted one right on the cheek. quite a trick my little man...