the sunday daily

this morning owen wasn't awake twenty minutes before he was literally banging on the door, pulling open the shutters and pointing outside: "carcarcardadascar." then "dada dada dadas car." then complete meltdown. because that's how owen would like to spend his day. sitting as a pasenger in dada's defender parked outside. he's never actually gone for a ride, and won't be able to until he's at least six and we won't be arrested for child endangerment by putting him sideway facing in the back with no airbags and no booster seat. but owen doesn't care. just sitting in the carcar with plastic seats meant to be hosed down, a window that actually rolls up and down manually and old school door locks you actually push and pull. picture coming soon, promise.

but if it's not dada's car mama's car will do in a pinch. actually, mama's car is really where it's at because inside that dusty jetta is the crusty cheerio carseat that takes owen where he wants to "go go go". and he just likes to go. and i just love that about him. because we're now on phase three of the car napping. in my book, anyhow. and that means that i used to put him in the car so he would sleep. then i was trying to race him home before he slept otherwise he'd wake up upon arrival and forego sleep completely. now i hope he just stays awake for the adventure.

and today's adventure was an outing with our old friend kim and her new beau shane at the i. spectrum. and owen was out for the count. even stayed snoozing from the transfer from the carseat to the stroller. and he needed that nap. but as we walked around and passed fountains with water that went splash and water that came out of "roarroar" lions' mouths and wide open couryards safe for toddlers to zoom about i wanted him to wake up. i didn't want him to miss it. because i've started seeing things as he sees them. and i wanted to see them when he saw them because nothing beats an owen "ooooooooh."

but my favorite part of the day was shortly after a "carcarcar" meltdown because we had to take dogdog out for his afternoon business and we had to walk right by the defender and mama had no intention of stopping. mean mean mama. and i didn't have the stroller because i didn't get to drop it off in the garage because the garage door had somehow come loose earlier that day and it was too hot and owen too crazy and sierra too wound up to all wait for me to pull the stroller out of the car parked across the street. and sierra was pulling and owen was screaming and trying to wriggle out of my one-arm hip hold. but then we rounded the corner, got on the mail-route path and i figured out that if i held the leash in the middle and let sierra take the left side that owen could hold the leash and walk the dog. and that is exactly what he did.