mommy has a blue nose

this morning owen and i finished off the last of our watercolor paper and i've been thrilled by his curiousity and impressed by how he discerns between grey and silver and dark orange and tangerine--but the best moments are those serendipitous surprises. like this morning when i'm trying to guide him to paint over the white chalk stars i've hidden on his paper he stands up and instructs me to paint his footprints purple and then he puts both hands down and says "how about light blue" and then he puts his head on the paper and says "owen's mouth" and i start laughing and then he lies on his side and says "now ear" and so i get these gorgeous profile outlines of owen's head and then he says "now mommy's nose" so i'm game and now i have a blue nose and orange ears and owen is a contented rainbow. and i just feel like this is the best adventure of all.