owen moves onto "b"

it seems that owen picks a letter of the week and works and works on how to sign the letter with his hands. and he won't let me help, certainly won't let me show him how to make the handshape "no, not like that mommy. like this!" but love him he just works and works on it and when he's ready it's like a proper unveiling. he's perfected "A" and is pleased to show me: "mommy, A is like this!". and only then, "ok, now mommy make an A." and then he smiles and says "cheers A!" and we knock A-hands together. he's been toying with "F" but i think "B" is the winner--this afternoon he jumped up and said: "mommy! where's my B?". ummm. right here? and i sign in. "NO! my B!". think think think. your magnet B? "NOOOO." and then he starts running up the stairs. oh, of course, the letter B in the bathtub (coincidence, i think not!). and then he was soo excited and running around upstairs showing his B my Books and singing a Bbbbbb song. so since B is also for "beta" we'll try out this google video and see if this works: