dinosaurs, topiaries and frogs (oh my!)

yesterday we met sal, jennifer and baby lily at quail botanic gardens for a lovely afternoon of dinosaur digging and frog watching among some gorgeous native scenery. i can't get over how much our little niece has grown--she's looking more and more like her daddy (and don't i know that feeling!) and has started cooing and smiling. she was such a superstar all day--i think she got a kick out of her little firecracker cousin running around the children's garden while he ran from the steam train to the water pump to the mini excavation site. then she snoozed in the afternoon breeze the rest of the day. . . the highlights were all of the animal and musical topiaries (papa, we're thinking these are much needed in your garden!) and the lily pond (check out the little green frog peeking out from beneath the pink flowers!).

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