super scat cat be bat

i made a promise to myself that nighttime would be writing time... after owen's tucked in and the dog is fed & watered i'd sit at my desk in our refurbished office, leave my teaching and grading back at campus and see my commitment to finishing this diss through. and most of it, i think, is just the routine of sitting. the coming up and turning on the light even when the couch or the bath sound much cozier. so here i am.

ok, so i'm not going to write about kogawa or wideman, but words, clicketyclacking are important. what i did want to write about was how thankful i am that we found a great preschool for owen. both owen and i love miss sherry, and this afternoon while the other tots were still waking up from rest time we got to sit at the little round table and chat with her. all week when i asked owen what his favorite part of preschool was he would say "letter sounds" and today i found out why--before circle time begins they sing a letter sound song "ah ah ah is for apple. . . sss sss ss is for snail" and so on. apparently, miss sherry (who is throwing her hands up and laughing while she tells me) explained, owen gets a bit silly and just starts making up words, but not just any silly nonesnse, but rhyming bebop words "and when he gets to z he really goes crazy zzeeebopbeebop zzzzzeee zaaaazz zzzzzzoooobooo" and then "i just had to laugh today when we did numbers, because owen here, there wasn't anything he didn't know!" and owen said "miss sherry why are you laughing and saying oh owen?" and she just kept laughing. so if owen can rhyme his way through school, mama can do her part and write her way through.

oh, and here's a little preview of superowen--we took our cupcakes to bw&s's place and had a cape party and let's just say it was, well, super. i found a fabulous thunderbolt teeshirt, and am thinking of making a red felt belt and getting some wristbands for halloween. in the meantime, it's just good to be three and super.


Anonymous said...

We are thrilled Owen has such a wonderful school and a super fun teacher! Love the cape and mask.