Löfbergs Lila

Happy Valentine's Day!

I was able to blow off work at about 3pm yesterday, so I arranged to get a private tour of the Löfbergs Lila production facility. This is the coffee served in all IKEAs -- produced right here in Karlstad, Sweden. It was extremely fascinating, where they took me around from receiving the beans via rail, roasting, and all the way to packaging.
We got to discuss the initiatives behind making the site more environmentally friendly, such as re-using the heat from roasting the beans to the type of packaging used. The tasters were all women -- apparently women can distinguish the smell/taste of mold a lot better than us men. It was also interesting to see that they were stressed sometimes because coffee is traded as a commodity, they must make quick decisions on whether to purchase a farm's beans. I also got to meet Anna Nordström, the third best coffee taster in the world.


gocarcarcar said...

i'm not sure how i feel about you hanging out with these coffee divas and getting heart latte art on your cappuccinos in the morning ;)
