martha would be proud.

so as owen & i were in the bathroom he was peeking in the drawers and asked "hey mommy, what's this drawer for?"

"oh, that's stuff for taking a bath."

pulling out an old box of wipes and a tube of toothpaste: "no it's not." this should go in here (opening the top drawer) and you should put the label "jelly beans and toothbrushes and wipies and other stuff."

"i guess we need to organize those drawers better."

"yes, then you need to put a label on this drawer [still pulling things out that don't 'belong'] washcloths and letters and bathtub stuff."

"yes, that's a good idea."

peeking in the bottom drawer: "and what's in this drawer?" satisfied: "oh, that's swim stuff. you better label that too."


Pajama Dren said...

Right--because who doesn't need jelly beans in the bathroom