the flip side of five

so if there are five things that are storybook and sexy about travel there are certainly five (if i can say so on a tuesday) that are not. and since owen is finally sleeping after being up since two am it seems a good time as any to unwind the other five.

5. well, sleep certainly. we're on day six of owen's commimtment to california time--which means wake up calls between 2 and 4 am that sound something like: "but WHY can't we go down to breakfast now?!"

4. cold soft boiled eggs. the allure of breakfast buffet quickly loses its appeal with runny cold eggs.

3. running out of diapers. this goes something like the walking five miles up the hill in the snow at the crack of dawn--only it was sometime before stores opened, in the rain, through muddy cobblestone.

2. trying to unpack six suitcases in something like two hundred square feet of space. although i have to say i did have some wonderful mary poppins moments--if only i had packed that hat rack.

1. explaining to owen that despite the fact that he sang a lovely song for his best friend west at four am he was not going to be at breakfast and neither will nana, papa, grandma or grandpa meet us for cake later today.

of course writing all of this is restorative in itself, and as the rain clouds literally clear, yes i can see them moving outside of the spectacular ocean view windows in our teeny room, i know it'll be ok. i'm tired, anxious and irritated with myself for all of the little things back home i'm still trying to manage. and then that's why we're here really--so we can manage it all together. i had this teary moment at the h&k dinner bar with michael while owen was konked out and explained that i knew we could do this because i've read mrs. dalloway and believe in it, believe in her. and i really think i explained it like that, but i believe in this moment as definining all moments and that one must walk down busy streets and eat brie sandwiches. yes, something like that. oh, and if you're blessed enough to have a room with a view (couldn't help that reference) it's even better than a room of one's own (or this one--but a desk will do with a napping child and your loved one coming back on the four o clock ferry).


Malissa said...

I just got all caught up on your post's!! What an exciting adventure for your little fam!! I can't imagine packing some of our things and moving to a whole new country for awhile!! How fun!! Good luck on that jetlag...poor Owen, so confused...he just wants some breakfast!! Good luck over there!! Please post obscene amounts of pic, so we can feel like we've been!!

HEIDI said...

haha, ditto the pics.

I remember Avery at Owen's age when we went to England and him being awake in the middle of the night. But then of course...I was awake too praying and praying to go back to sleep so I could function the next day. We turned on cartoons, that worked. And I have sympathy for your lack of space cuz the hotels in England were tiny also. Have fun...keep us posted :)

gocarcarcar said...

thanks malissa & heidi-- last night we all crashed out after an early dinner and although we were up at 4 am we slept a solid 9 hours through the night. luckily (or not) animal planet shows the "funniest" animal videos around 5 am so that keeps us entertianed until breakfast opens...