an orange-socks kind of weekend

we enjoyed a quiet weekend here in alesund, watching the cruise ships and fishing boats dock outside our window and revisiting our favorite spots. saturday we joined the crew for xl's signature bacalo dinner and then enjoyed some mojitos at the newly refurbished hotel atlantica.

sunday we had planned to go down to the atlanterhavsparken--the aquarium--and walk along the coast but realized when we got to the deserted bus stop that the buses, of course, don't run on sunday. so we headed up to the park, for a quiet family afternoon. we ended the evening with pizza up at pepe's and then all watched bug's life and went to sleep. . .


HEIDI said...

email me your email address, I just have Michaels. I thought I had you on there...sorry!

Anonymous said...

Hey, we missed these wonderful places in Alesund; the view, XL's and Pepe's and there is ads below Atlantis is golf course, hummm. That must be a beautiful view to play. Michael, did you play there?
love, nana