"kota & sierra will be good friends""

today owen found this in the target toy catalouge. and when i told him we didn't have room for a pet dinosaur he said, oh mommy don't worry kota can sleep in the living room. perfect. i was hoping for some new pillows but a 3 foot dinosaur that plays "4 different adventure themed tunes" (here's the video) would be much much better.

me, on the other hand, i'm pretty excited about this.


Pajama Dren said...

Kota is pretty fun looking. And of course he and Sierra would be great together. So you (or Santa) should definitely consider Kota.

gocarcarcar said...

i'm thinking fenway would love kota ;)

Pajama Dren said...

I don't know. Fenny could be scared of Kota. I mean, after all, he's too afraid to go down stairs by himself.