quiet time

things have been quiet here on the fidfam front--mostly because all the fids are in vegas visiting with great grandma & grandpa and it's just me and the fid-dog. i had these luxurious plans brewing involving a secret spa day, a haircut, and lots of cafe-ing down by the beach. when i arrived home sunday morning after seeing the boys off, however, i thought i should lay down for a quick morning nap. six hours later i woke up feeling like i could sleep another twelve. the "porn" for new moms (and getting older moms) isn't boxer-brief clad dads vacuuming (although that is hot and i'm a bigger fan of dishwashing myself) but the ability to close a door while peeing and take a nap without being violently awoken by take-along percy on his branch line that runs under your pillow.

the other reality, of course, and why i'm here and not playing nickel slots is that it's week 8 in the quarter and i've got 42 papers to get back to my students before thanksgiving break and a satchel of various and sundry quizes and other assignments that need to be logged into the gradebook. however, i plan to tackle these things after a long, scalding hot bath with aromatherapy candles and not a creatacious creature in sight.

still, it's eerily quiet and and i'm looking forward to tuesday when my tired boys return and we can all nap together--three and a dog to a couch. here's uncle ryan and owen showing us how real naps are done:


acronym enthusiast said...

hope you enjoyed your cara time!

Missy Fidler said...

I took that picture! It was so sweet when they were sleeping together! We missed you in Vegas! But Im glad you had a good time by yourself! Love you!