saturday seven

i can't even begin to catch up with everything that's been going on since i last posted and i find i keep half starting posts (in my head) of elation and of frustration. but i have been enjoying the post-election TOP 10 & TOP 20 lists. in the true adventurefidfam spirit i thought i'd share a list of my owEn:

the saturday seven summing -up: 7 brillig owen quotes

7. i have bronchitus, a fractured toe (and cramps). not only am i incredibly gimpy but owen explained:
your voice sounds like seaweed

6. the day before when i told him we all just needed an early bedtime he asked:
are you feeling ill?

5. when asked what to have for dinner: hmmmm. how about something tasty?

4. i love you mommy, and i love myself!

3. pointing to the cover of how do dinosauurs play with their friends: that's a lambeosaurus. he has a penis on his head.

2. this is just pure mind reading. with no particular context but perfectly clear:
sierradog is our dog and he needs to live in our house.

1. the last one deserves a little pre-narrative: owen donned his "O" cape (coincidence?) and masked himself as a "superhero for democracy" for our election party with BW&S. by 7:30 the three year olds were over msnbc and so we packed up the party. at 8:00 we were in the car and owen suddenly started crying and exclaimed:

but i need my superhero cape so i can save obama for democracy!

five minutes later after the polls on the west coast closed owen had learned to say: "barack obama is our 44th president!".