the friday five is back!

5. look, i found a big, old, crusty boogie! ok, it's not the most appealing of modifiers but i was so impressed by his apt use of adjectives--i spend an entire quarter trying to get 18 year olds to write with such detail. the boogie, by the way, was in fact a morsel of dry dog food.

4. were you a good girl mommy? owen is busy doing his garbage truck puzzle and says aloud, "hmmm, i have a garbage truck. mmmm san-san-yes!-santa brought it to me!" and i say, wow, you must have been a good boy, do you think so? "hmmm. yes, i think i was!" and then he pauses and asks me the above ;)

3. so this one sounds more like this--

at nana & papa's house owen found my old recorder (yes, i never quite progressed beyond that plastic flute primer) and immediately picked it up and marched around the house tooting away. everything eventually morphs into a song--he gives new life to the "whistle while you work" mantra as he humms and lalas and makes up words to go with every aspect of his day. i think uncle sal perhaps needs to get him going on music lessons--or at least i need to learn something other than mary had a little lamb (although owen was still quite impressed at my recorder ability).

2. and where can doggies go? this was his response when i told him that no, sierradog could not go with us to gymnastics class.

1. i feel like smiles! this is my favorite of hte week and in truth owen did not say this but was told this by his buddy w. while we decorated carrot cake train muffins with blueberries and mango slices (all b's genius here).