happy janu-mas!

i hope the joy and merriment found in pistachio cranberry biscotti (dipped in dark norwegian--belgian chocolate of course) and tins of walnut fudge has carried over into 2008 for everyone. things have been a bit quiet here on the e-fidfam but out here in the southcoast soil the fam was in full swing. in no particular order here's a standstill slideshow of some of our favorite moments from snow in snow white's castle to coffee on the san clemente pier--we enjoyed an awesome visit with michael's parents: "gramma and granpaw" (and of course had to indulge in cupcakes, coffee, and blackened calamari) had play time with "nana and papa", chilled and grilled on new year's day with sal and jenn (and of course baked these italian treats with jenn), shared ravioli on christmas day with edy and jerry, stole peanut brittle from papa ron while visiting my grandparents and other family "favorites" (of course we all had to order in from paul's). and then just enjoyed drinking our stumptown coffee while feasting on rhubarb muffins and watching owen revel in the joy that is "christmastime". overall, it was a holiday love fest of food and family.