friday already?

so it must be time for the owen fabulous friday five!

5. i love our juice party! said with the zest that only comes from pomegrante juice.

4. don't worry, i scratched my itchy off. ummm, not really sure what happened here. this was explained to me while taking our morning walk. hope it all worked out.

3. i am a fixer guy! again, it's all about screwdrivers, batteries and scotch tape.

2. let's set the timer for one minute. what happens when the timer goes off owen? it goes DING!

1. i'm cracking yourself up! yes, owen, you are indeed ;)


Michael said...

cracking me up :)

gocarcarcar said...

along with number 3, while watching jack's big music show jack breaks mary's dulicmer and owen says: "mommy--jack needs tools!"