"not in anyone's backyard"

this morning owen and i joined some of our neighbors to attend the community volunteer meeting regarding the power plant that the county is trying to literally sneak into our backyard (a belated christmas present of toxic ammonia and a turbine jet engine across the street)--a few hundred feet from homes and about 1200 feet from a montessori school (and a mile or so from 7 other schools). say what you want about real housewives trying to out-hot each other or suburban bunko parties--the volunteer organization ladera hope made of residents like myself have succeeded in suing the county for its shady and disturbingly reckless process.

and i'm proud that this morning team fidler managed to canvas nearly two dozen homes. i thought we'd only get to five or six and owen would abandon the cause. but as always he was a trooper-- he loved ringing doorbells, handing out papers and picking the next "number" of the house. our goal was just to get people informed and increase the numbers behind laderahope-- and yes, it does as our neighbor pointed out sound a bit like a newagey oc church (please feel free to follow the link and sign the petition as well as concerned loved ones of owen!). because for whatever stupid things people say when they're trying to "preserve a way of life" i can't think of any reason why anyone would support building a spewing smokestack of toxins anywhere near where anyone had to breathe, or sing, or dance, or skip rope.


gocarcarcar said...

so the press coverage on this has been diappointingly lukewarm--and asonishingly lax. the scenario goes something like this-- a bunch of well to do suburbanites are whining about a power plant that is already going to be built that they deserve because they suck up too much power and after all they're close to san onofre so shouldn't they be used to nuclear threat? it's like the disturbing "they deserve it" attitude that was distressingly prevalnet when the fires displaced families from their homes. besides the fact that the power plant would NOT be built to power ladera (but supply future sites the county is hoping to wedge in between here and the water and else where in california) and that the simple legal protections that would have stopped such a toxic site so close to a residental area were completely bypassed-- there seems to be no idea on how staggeringly close (like a hundred feet!) it is planned from a preschool-- (that there are thousands of children that walk and play just feet away from this. it just all seems so lorax-like that it depresses and angers me to no end. nobody disputes the need for power but like even a mile down the road, like where the water treatment and sewage dump is just 4 miles downt he road? ok. that's my rant. but seriously, sign the petition--you do not have to give money, you do not have to make political affiliations, you do not even need to march in the parade down antonio . but there needs to be more of a voice that it is NOT ok to willingly put those without a voice at risk.