exciting summary

just a quick post before i go to sleep, hopefully not to be awaken at 2 am and then kicked in the face until 6 am and then awoken by a very snuggly and sweet "hi" at 7 am at which point all the kicking and hair pulling is forgiven. . .

today nana surprised us by taking the train out to help us shop for some amersfoort essentials--michael's warned that things are a bit pricey over there (like 50+euros for a pair of robeez so i'm thinking i'll set up a booth at the hof flea market and make a killing on a dozen or so sharkies and fishies at 26usd). shopping, and eating out and doing anything that requires not running in circles and diving off tables has become exponetially more difficult in the last week. ok, maybe two or even three weeks. we were still recovering from our post office trip from the day before so nana's visit was a welcome blessing. anyhow, we spent some gym-bucks and bought some essentials like socks and an adorable striped hooded cardigan from gymboree where nana corraled him in the elmo-watching area and tried to keep him from curiously poking the other toddlers. then over to old-navy for the fleece gear and the last two pairs of 2t long-sleeved jammies and a few undershirts for mama. oh, and picture coming soon of owen strutting around with his new tiger back-pack that nana got him (complete with his mickey keychain on the zipper from papa). i believe it'll hold just enough "o's" to get us through our flight up to see grandma and grandpa fidler next week!

then we came home and waited for the cable guy. and it might just be bad jim carrey movies but i was a little creeped out being the stay-at-home mom alone with baby and pets while some guy that isn't my husband messed with our electronics. so was glad nana was there even though the guy was harmless and friendly enough. and then after everyone went home and to bed i spent the evening stocking up my dvr. which is amazing. i watched several hours of mindless tv but it was so fabulous because i'd record one show, t hen skip to another, and go back so i could fastforward through the commercials. this must be the tv hype everyone else in the free world is so excited about. and i couldn't help but get excited for all new episodes of blues clues, wonder pets and introducing elmo and sesame street to owen. rather, i'm excited that our 3o minutes of post-dinner down time will no longer be the same episode of blue going to magenta's house and writing messages, although it does seem to get better every time... although really the cable is for papa when he comes to house/dog sit while we go off netherlanding. and yes papa, i already recorded lost for you...

well, i guess that wasn't all that brief or very exciting, and the real highlight of the day was owen playing for 20 mintues with a tupperware bowl, a lid, and a plastic octopus bath toy that fit inside the tupperware. it's funny how really i feel like all the really amazing things owen does during the day don't get justice. like earlier in the morning when he was banging on the metal trash cans that hold the pet food in the garage and so nana gave him a wooden spoon and he spent a good half hour running in and out of the garage playing drums on everything from the dog to the dishwasher.

just so i'm not all talk here's the daily pic--taken by papa yesterday in our "harvest harmonies" class with miss rhonda--our pre-preschool class we go to at the san clemente community center every thursday. this is owen watching the puppet show that ends each class, and he spends most of the class before it eyeing the puppets and the stage and pointing and yelling "pu puu puuup" which, you know, is puppet. oh and did i mention that he actually used a paintbrush? like, he dipped the brush in the paint, put it on the paperplate/lionmask and did it again without eating paint. see, life really is amazing!