owen's box

today we're getting ready for our seattle trip. owen is keeping himself busy by hanging out in the "box" or the inside of the ikea (hmm another amersfoort connection!) footstool i've been meaning to move from the garage back up into the office. but owen seems to like spending time in the box, as we call it. here he's reading his favorite book--eric carle's classic the very hungry caterpillar. it's really amazing how much they take in, those little toddlers--i hear a sweeter, funnier echo of my own reading voice as he points to himself (with suprise and exclamation) the caterpillar on each page and a dramatic "buuubu" when the "cat" becomes a butterfly.

anyhow, i'll keep this brief as i'm going to skedaddle while owen naps and try to knock off as many things as i can off today's to do list. i'm trying to not let my lists overwhelm me, but, well, old habits die hard. the plants do need watering though and the defender needs moving. soo. ttfn. hehe.