spoiler: he turns into butterfly at the end

I spotted Owen's favorite book downstairs in the hotel (in dutch!)... all my thoughts these days are about how to best make this place Amersfoort work for us when the whole family is over here... We'll definately do the market on Fridays and Saturdays to get fresh fruit and vegetables... I just noticed an italian stand where they had all sorts of olives, olive oil, and even those ameretto cookies that Cara likes to cook with. Some resturants are more kid-friendly than others.. not sure how Owen would like Indian food. After dinner walks around town are a must. Chasing Owen as he runs around the Hof. Should be fun. Had to cancel my trip to Bruges, Belgium because there was a lot of work to get done before Monday, but we're wrapping that up now, so tomorrow I will be sleeping. Trying to fight off this cold. A bigup to Chris in Shanghai -- good to hear from you.


gocarcarcar said...

i know we'll make it work... if only because you're already seeing amersfoort through owen's eyes! we love you so much xoxoxoxoxo