keep on keep on drivin'

tomorrow night i won't be posting. i'll be in the car, on my way to the airport, with a smelling like johnson&johnson baby owen in the backseat, going to pick up michael.

it's been a long long three weeks but we've fallen into our routine and i believe michael's found his stride too. and it hasn't actually felt like we haven't been three. dada is very present in all the daily stuff we do. not only does owen tear through the house screaming and dancing "dadadaDADADDA!dadaddddaaadada" but every morning while mommy waits for coffee owen eats his banana up on the kitchen counter while we instant message with michael on his way to dinner. then while owen naps--we chat while michael gets ready for bed and i do all the stuff that's better done without a toddler racing around (like brushing my teeth without getting my toothbrush stolen, emptying the dishwasher without owen climbing on top of the pots and throwing plates, calling billing people without getting my phone taken away, or even occasionally taking a shower and washing my hair). and now, the last time this time around. ah, here he is now... after my quiet time i take the laptop here, on the couch and write or putter around on the computer and wait for michael to wake up. and we may not share a cup of coffee but somehow we get to start and end our day together. and we pick out something for him to wear and i can usually see him on the amersfoort cam as a grainy blue shirt and black pants. and yesterday i even got a wave.

so that's how we've been getting by. and i think we can do this again. i know we will. because it truly is an adventure.

oh, and owen's driving, by the way.

here are the previously promised owen in dada's car pics. note that owen has no shirt on because sometime this morning he decided that putting on a shirt is absolute torture. but he does have socks on and one shoe.