mornings with owen

thought you'd enjoy a few shots of owen on a monday morning doing his owen-thing.

so this is about 9:30 after breakfast trucking around in his oatmeal-blueberry stained pajamas checking everything out. our neighbor usually gets his crew going out to work sometime between 7-9 am and owen likes to give him a shout-out through the window. but this morning he actually blew kisses out the window. what a lovebug.

then he ususally moves into the garage/playroom and dumps out his baskets of toys and decides whether or not it's a truck day, a little people day, or a block day. i'm cleaning up breakfast dishes and doing a late morning cheerio sweep. here's owen cleaning off his playrug--and the dustbuster is actually on:

this picture is actually from a couple of days ago, but it's pretty typical. he usually plops down here and tries to get sierra to read with him or share his milk. michael noticed sierra looked pretty bored. i think by this time--usually 10ish--sierra's about done with being nuzzled by owen. in about 15 minutes sierra will move to his hiding place behind the living room chair which is supposedly off-limits to owen.

this morning owen actually skipped the couch time with sierra and had some book time on mama's couch in the living room. he's getting to be a good listener and does less tearing of pages and more singing along. he then dragged his little pooh airplane into the kitchen and did some rounds. tried to get pictures but then he was making a turn and trying to reach the dog and had a crash on the side of his face. nice bruise. so, no pictures. mommy first aid and then a nap.


Michael said...

those are great pics.. miss the mornings with my pooker.