me and my car

outside old baan hq.. this picture was taken last week, but Cara has asked for a self-portrait. After 7 working days of learning the Rolls-Royce process, I think it finally starting to sink in. I'm at a disadvantage with the other guys who have been implementing Baan their whole career -- I've been basically implementing only the data colletion pieces into Baan, so it's kind of different... This is probably easier, but takes a while to catch up.

I feel like it's the calm before the storm.. the storm coming maybe tomorrow where I have to deal with moving to a different hotel for the night.. just one night, then back to the de Gapper. tomorrow may be crazier, but for now it's starting to sink in.. and I'll just go with the flow.


gocarcarcar said...

thanks sweetie, that made my day. you'r awfully handsome leaning against that sporty blue car ;)